Using the Andruchi Roulette System to Improve Winnings Over Time

Several roulette betting systems allow players to make up for any losses and increase winnings over the course of several games. The Andruchi roulette system, for example, turns the law of statistical averages on its head to take advantage of certain number streaks and to increase short term winnings.

Identifying Number Streaks

In order to use the Andruchi roulette system, players must identify what numbers are the hottest at a given table. If they can do this by observing the wheel and not placing any bets, players should definitely try to do this. If they must bet in order to observe, players should place even money bets for an average of 30 spins. During that time, players should note every number that comes up, identifying particular number streaks. If one number comes up more often than any other, that is the number players should bet on for the short term.

Placing the Bet

Players should place their bets on the number that came up most often in the last several terms. The idea is to use that number's streak to ride out the short term and take advantage of any bias in the wheel. The bets should not increase with losses or wins, but because the bets are straight up bets on a single number or split between two numbers, the payouts when that number comes up are much higher than any less risky bets.

The Andruchi roulette system may not work as well on online tables, because most online casinos use random number generators rather than actual roulette wheels. Identifying a wheel bias usually only works when there is a physical wheel that can be thrown off balance by an imperfection in the wheel.